About this Journal
SCI Journal; Impact Factor 2023: 1.4
- Publisher
- Hanyang University, 222, Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, 04763, Korea
ISSN : 1229-9162 (Print) 2672-152X (Online)
- Description
- The JOURNAL OF CERAMIC PROCESSING RESEARCH aims to publish original research articles covering the influence of processing routes on the microstructure and properties of ceramics and ceramic-based materials. The journal is managed by Hanyang University Press and overseen by an in-house editorial team of professional editors for a rigorous peer-review process with rapid publication.
- Editor-in-Chief
- Sung Yi*
Professor Emeritus Dept. of Chemical Engineering
Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
Email: scyi@hanyang.ac.kr
*supported by Committee Members of the International Organization for Ceramic Processing and an International team of Editors.
With an aim to provide the global ceramic research community with the most compelling and exceptional scientific quality reports, we limit the number of articles to 60 per year. Also we focus to publish the new articles online as soon as possible on the basis of monthly issues.
- Journal Scope
- ◆ Processing methods for ceramics and functional ceramic coatings
◆ Process domains in Electroceramics
◆ Advanced Ceramic materials (oxides/ non-oxides),
◆ Superconducting ceramics, ceramic foams
◆ Electroceramics, Bioactive/inert ceramics, optical ceramics
◆ Ceramics for energy application
◆ Metal oxide ceramic membranes
◆ Glass materials, Nanostructured Ceramic Composites, ceramic matrix composite
- Abstraction/Indexing
- JOURNAL OF CERAMIC PROCESSING RESEARCH is enlisted in Science Citation Index (SCI), beginning with volume 7(1)2006.
- Copyright
- Copyright to the above-listed original article submitted by the above author(s) is hereby transferred to Hanyang University Press. By signing this Agreement, the author warrants that the submitted article is original and that the article has not been published elsewhere.
- Journal of Ceramic Processing Research
- Abbr: J. Ceram. Process. Res.