  • Modeling the effect of interface characteristics and layer compositional parameters on the residual stress distribution in FG-TBC system: FEM and FIS approach
  • N. Nayebpashaeea,*, S. H. Seyedeina, M. R. Aboutalebia, H. Sarpoolakyb and M. M. Hadavic
  • a Materials Processing Simulation Laboratory (MPS-LAB), School of Materials and metallurgical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Narmak, Tehran, Iran b School of Materials and metallurgical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Narmak, Tehran, Iran c Department of Materials Science and Engineering, materials and energy research center (MERC), Karaj, Iran
Thermal barrier coating using turbine industries, application of pre- process simulation and on-line subsequent control based on physical knowledge are greatly advantageous in order to develop the material performance despite of the time and cost efficiency. Fuzzy linguistic- based model is one of the most accepted and promising approaches that is currently used in the control systems of various engineering fields and applications. As for need of industrial units, physical simulation strategies are too compound for industrial use and less efficient than soft computational techniques. A combination of fuzzy linguisticbased model and finite element method (FEM) has therefore been developed in the terminology of a combined or "hybrid model" in this study. The hybrid model was applied to predict residual stress during thermomechanical process in functionally graded thermal barrier coating (FG-TBC). Results show that, interface shape amplitude and ceramic constituent in composite layer have significant effect in distribution of residual stress in interface regions and can be considered as potent zones for both vertical and horizontal cracks. In addition, this study shows excellent potential of such finite element-artificial intelligence hybrid approach for analysis of high temperature imposing of these protective coatings

Keywords: Thermal barrier coating (TBC), functionally graded (FG), Fuzzy logic (FL), Finite element method (FEM).

This Article

  • 2016; 17(8): 803-814

    Published on Aug 31, 2016