  • Thermal oxidation behavior of TiZrN-coated Inconel 617 
  • Jong Cheon Parka, Ok Geun Jeonga, Jin Kon Kimb, Young-Hoon Yunc, Tae-Eon Parkd, Byeong Woo Leee and Hyun Chob,*
  • a Department of Nano Fusion Technology, Pusan National University, Gyeongnam 627-706, Korea b Department of Nanomechatronics Engineering, Pusan National University, Gyeongnam 627-706, Korea c Department of Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technology, Dongshin University, Jeonnam 520-714, Korea d Ecotechkorea Co. LTD, Jeonnam Advanced Ceramics Center, Jeonnam 530-370, Korea e Department of Marine Equipment Engineering, Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Busan 606-791, Korea
Thermal oxidation behavior of TixZr1-xN-coated Inconel 617 (x = 0.95, 0.82, and 0.66) were studied at temperatures up to 1000 degrees C The TiZrN coating layers transformed into oxide layers after heat treatment and the composition of surface oxide layers was found to be governed by Zr content in the TiZrN coating layer. Cr2O3 peaks were observed in all samples and SEM-EDS analysis revealed that the Cr2O3 layer is formed beneath the surface oxide layer by the reaction between Cr in the Inconel 617 substrate and oxygen infiltrated through the surface pores. The microstructure of heat-treated TiZrN-coated Inconel 617 samples evolved from a very porous to a dense grain structure as the Zr content in the TiZrN coating layer increases. The Ti0.66Zr0.34N-coated Inconel 617 showed a significantly enhanced wear resistance over bare Inconel 617 after thermal oxidation.

Keywords: Thermal oxidation behavior; TiZrN coating; Inconel 617; Microstructure; Wear resistance

This Article

  • 2014; 15(5): 351-354

    Published on Oct 31, 2014