  • Study of a Sr2RuO4 thin film in a PZT device as a top electrode for application as a piezoelectric sensor
  • Gye-Youg Leea, Dong-Guk Choa, Caroline Sunyong Leea,* and Moon-gi Jeongb
  • a Hanyang University, Division of Materials and Chemical Engineering, Ansan, 426-791, Korea b LG Electronics Institute of Technology, Devices and Materials Laboratory, Seoul 137-724, Korea
This study evaluates the properties of a lead zirconium titanate (PZT) capacitor using a top electrode of strontium rutanate (SRO). Sr2RuO4 has similar properties to that of SrRuO3 that has been previously studied but Sr2RuO4 was not used in PZT capacitors due to the difficulties to grow it as a thin film. In this study, Sr2RuO4 was used as a top electrode for a PZT capacitor and its phase was verified using XRD. Moreover, it was found from SEM analysis that interfaces between Sr2RuO4 and PZT was much smoother than the interface between PZT and RuO2 which has conventionally been used as a top electrode in a PZT capacitor. Finally, the hysteresis curve using SRO as a top electrode showed that the curve was well saturated despite of its small remnant polarization value. Therefore, this PZT capacitor using SRO as a top electrode showed good potential to be used as a sensor.

Keywords: SRO(Strontium rutanate), PZT(Lead zirconate titanate) capacitor, Top electrode, Hysteresis curve, Sr2RuO4

This Article

  • 2009; 10(4): 526-528

    Published on Aug 31, 2009

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