  • The influence of coal bottom ash and tincal (boron mineral) additions on the physical and microstructures of ceramic bodies
  • S. U. Baycaa,*, T. Batarb, E. Sayinb, O Solakb and B. Kahramanb
  • a Celal Bayar University, Soma Vocational School, Soma, 45500 Manisa, Turkey b Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Mining Engineering, 35160 Buca, Izmir, Turkey
In this paper, the influence of coal bottom ash and tincal additions on the physical properties and microstructures of the standard wall tile body composition was investigated. Water absorption, firing strength, dry and fired shrinkage tests of the incorporated ceramic bodies and reference body were done. Microstructures of sintered tiles were analyzed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results show that tincal additions to the ceramic body improved the physical properties of the tiles. As a result, tincal can be used as a flux material in the ceramic bodies due to its favorable effects on the water absorption and fired strength. The results revealed that bottom ash can be used in the ceramic tile body composition. When bottom ash was used in the ceramic industry, environmental hazards of bottom ash are inhibited. Furthermore, bottom ash is transformed to an economic product.

Keywords: Bottom ash, Tincal, Tile, Strength, Microstructure, Ceramic, Body

This Article

  • 2008; 9(2): 118-122

    Published on Apr 30, 2008

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